Tiny Machines
Interviews | Apr 25th, 2008

Today I was so bored at work that I came up with questions for my friend Tom’s band, Tiny Machines. He knows how I do interviews (crappy and random questions) so he was down with answering this interview. I guess he was bored at work too since he wrote me back an hour later!
I’m a big fan of polka, mainly Jimmy Sturr. Do you guys play polka like Jimmy Sturr?
We actually play Post-Polka, which as you know, means we still use the accordion but we stay scene by all wearing girl jeans and eyeliner. Oh, and the cookie monster grumble singing, can’t forget that!
How long has Tiny Machines been together and all that junk?
June of 2007, so not even a year yet! Jon (bass) and Adam (vocals) were producing my old band, which fell apart, so we all decided to join forces. I knew Disney (guitars) from previous bands so we all just kind of worked together. In the short span of a year we put out an album, toured the east coast, played over 50 shows (also with MxPx & Chiodos) and we are now shooting a video so I’d say it’s been a pretty action packed year.
Are there any perks to playing drums in the band?
On the days where the shows aren’t going quite as well as I would like it, I can just hide behind my drums. I would kill myself if I had to sing in a band and have to look kids in the eye while a set is going horribly wrong.
Did you learn anything from your experience drumming for Call 14?
I learned it’s really important to be really good friends in any band you are in. That’s right kids; when you decide to start a band make sure you are cool with everyone or else it isn’t going to work. It’s like being married.
I was really really good friends with everyone in Call 14 and that’s what made it so awesome. Bands I’ve been in since have been the opposite and it showed.
Who’s better:
The Buzzcocks or Green Day? Black Flag
Sonny or Operation Ivy? Really funny! I get a lot of crap about liking Sonny, but you go listen to “Mora” and tell me it doesn’t get stuck in your head for days! Sonny.
Thursday or Pennywise? Ehh on both, but I would say Thursday based on the fact that Pennywise sounds like a carbon copy of Bad Religion, a bad Bad Religion.
Dead Kennedys or Get Up Kids? Dead Kennedys, GUK is even too emo for me.
Pilfers or Save Ferris? Pilfers, because our manager Emily would kill me if I didn’t say they were better. She will probably kill me for the OP Ivy question above anyway.
My Chemical Romance or The Who? The Who, I guess.
Hillary Duff or Britney Spears? Hilary Duff because she hasn’t gone the hussy route…yet
What are your top 5 favorite drummers of all time?
Damon Del Paz is hands down #1, he used to play in Fenix TX, and is the best drummer I’ve ever seen live in my LIFE. Whoever is rolling their eyes while they read that just has never seen him live to understand.
Tommy Lee from Motley is number 2. The style, the attack, the spinning upside down in a cage, how can you go wrong?
After him I would probably say Dave Abbruzzesse, Brandon Steineckert and Mark O’Connel
Try to convince me into liking your band..GO!
Our blogs. Go read our MySpace blogs and you will love us. That’s all you need. Even after reading them, if you still don’t like us, that’s ok I’ll just go write a blog about you! How’s that for emo?
Since the drummer is in the back of the stage, do you smell your band member’s farts all the time?
Yes, and they smell like raspberries jubilee. Makes me hungry just talking about it.
Do you have anything to promote? Any shows coming up?
We are playing May 1st with MxPx, Chiodos, the Color Fred, and Drop Dead Gorgeous in Hartford, come see us!
05/31 – Zebra Club – Long Island, NY
06/06 – Harmon Center – Hastings-on-Hudson, NY
ALSO our new record A Likely Story… you can grab on our MySpace (here) or our website (here) OR Smartpunk and iTunes.
Tiny Machines + Readjunk.com = perfection.