Video: Mighty Mighty Bosstones’s Dicky Barrett’s 50th Birthday Bash

Media | Jun 24th, 2014

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On June 22nd, Dicky Barrett of the Mighty Mighty Bosstones turned the big 5-0. The night before, the band and the rest of Boston celebrate Dicky’s birthday with a concert at City Hall Plaza. There was a birthday tribute video played before( I think, wasn’t there?), and it features A LOT of bands, friends, family, and celebrities wishing Dicky a happy 50th birthday. It’s an amazing video so check it out if you’re a Mighty Mighty Bosstones fan! Happy 50th Birthday Dicky, from the crew at!

Dicky thanks everybody on Facebook today as well:

Family, friends, supporters of the Mighty Mighty BossToneS and those of you who consider yourselves to be all three– thank you so much for helping to make turning officially old-ass not suck in the slightest. The show in Boston’s City Hall Plaza (aka Dicky Barrett’s Birthday Bash) was an amazing thing to be a part of and quite overwhelming if you happen to be Dicky Barrett. Much love to those of you in attendance. How great was that?

I personally take very little of the credit and give a huge portion of it to my closest friend Joe Gittleman and my other brothers The Mighty Mighty BossToneS. Thank you guys. I’d also like to thank The Gaslight Anthem and Barrence Whitfield and the Savages for joining the party and bringing amazing energy and enthusiasm. Thank you once again to Adam Shaw for all his hard work and for all the care and love he gives to me and the rest of the BossToneS. The same with Darren Hill. Darren, when you were not pulling the hair out of it you were banging your head against the wall quite a bit this time and through all the aggravation and frustration you still managed to be a really great guy. Thank you to Clay, Rooney, Laura, Jay, Stu and the rest of our incredible crew. Thank you to Ellis Carr, Barrett Fitzgerald, Lenny Lashley, Brian Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, and the one and only Nate Albert for joining me and The Mighty Mighty BossToneS onstage and adding to the excitement of what was already a pretty damn exciting evening. Jimmy, Danny Ricker, Baby-Doll, and my pal Cousin Sal thank you so much for rolling with me, oh what fun we had. Thank you to Ed Kane and his Empire restaurant. You know what you did.

Thanks to my friend Sal Medrano you are a superstar. Thanks to Bill Blumenreich, the folks at the Wilbur Theatre and the Phantom Gourmet — Good luck to you guys in the future. Thank you and I’m so sorry to those of you that I’m forgetting and failing to mention. There’s so many people that played a hand in putting together such a magical time for me. I’d like to give a very special thanks to my lifelong friend Mark (Higgs) Higgins for putting together the birthday montage/tribute video to yours truly. For those of you who weren’t there and did not get see it, as well as those of you who were there and would just like to see it again– here it is. I love you all and my birthday could not have been any better.

Dicky Barrett


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