Chris Evans is going to be Captain America

Movie News | Mar 23rd, 2010

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The search for Captain America has been going on for awhile now, and apparently the search is finally over. Chris Evans of Not Another Teen Movie, Fantastic Four, Sunshine will be the one that plays Steve Rogers (a.k.a Captain America). Personally, I’d have to see how the final product comes out but I don’t know what to think of this decision. Hasn’t Chris done enough comic book movies? The First Avenger: Captain America comes out July 22nd, 2011 and is being directed by Joe Johnston.

Chris Evans will play Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America.

Sources tell us the actor has not only accepted Marvel’s offer, first detailed on Friday, but that the dealmaking moved so fast it’s now all about dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s.

Marvel would not comment on the development, and CAA, which reps the actor, declined comment.
[Heat Vision]


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