Jack Osbourne producing Ozzy documentary
Music News | Sep 15th, 2008

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Ozzy’s son Jack Osbourne is producing a documentary film about his rocker Father. Mike Piscitelli is directing, and Jordan Tappis is writting and producing as well.
From Variety:
Jack Osbourne also became a TV fixture via the reality series, but is now more comfortable with a producer s role. He insists there is more to his father s story to be told.
He chose the occasion of his father s upcoming 60th birthday Dec. 3, as a timely reason to make a feature, which he ll exec produce along with his mother, Sharon Osbourne, Ozzy s longtime manager.
Jack and Sharon are financing the film themselves.
Read the full article www.variety.com/article/VR1117992181.html?categoryid=13&cs=1here.