Look Alive’s “Mistakes & Milestones” out July 2nd on Autumn + Colour Records
Music News | May 1st, 2013

Atlanta pop punk band Look Alive is releasing a new album on July 2nd called Mistakes & Milestones. The album will be released by Autumn + Colour Records and you can check out album artwork, tracklisting, audio streams at their newly re-designed website or down below.
Track Listing:
01. Transitions
02. Anchored
03. Sink Or Swim
04. The Way I See It
05. Farewell
06. Inquisition
07. Over/Under
The members of Look Alive have all played in different bands over the last 10+ years. Hell, some of them are even in multiple bands now — that’s kind of how it goes for musicians. They all share that one common thing: the itch to play music. So here they are, another band, another line-up and another chance to fulfill that itch.
In a creative world where everyone seems to have a new band or project, artists must bring something fresh to cut through the clutter. Look Alive does just that by delivering a melodic approach with an aggressive tempo, propped up with timely lyrics and growling vocals that are sure to make any music lover take notice. Coming together in August of 2012, the band was fairly new when an old hat on the Atlanta music scene, Travis Groo, heard the recent incarnation. He moved quickly and inked the guys to a deal with newly minted Autumn + Colour Records.
“It helped that I’d been friends with a few of the guys for many years, but the first time I saw them play live I felt something special. The pure energy brought me back to the memories of the good ol’ days when I was playing music, and I miss that. Since I’m super old now, I wanted to sign a band that made me feel young again.” ~Travis Groo’
The group is doing their part to help raise pop-punk from the grave with their energetic performances and straight-to-the-point lyrics. They are no strangers to hard work and sacrifice. From sleeping on floors, touring the states and eating Ramen noodles night after night — this life has given them a genuine approach to their music and song writing. Their previous work has set the stage for something great, and they welcome the future with a beer in hand. Sharing this experience with friends, fans and family will always be the motivating factor for keeping the band alive.