Paper + Plastick Records put their 2008-2011 music catalog on YouTube
Music News | Aug 21st, 2012

Paper + Plastick Records just seems like a record label that gets it. They offer up free samplers all the time, sign interesting bands & artists and now they have put their music catalog from 2008-2011 on YouTube in their channel. Pretty cool stuff!
Paper + Plastick Records is extremely excited to reveal today a project that has been in the works for many weeks. Starting today, the label’s entire catalog of music from 2008-2011 can be streamed on its newly revamped YouTube channel – from the label’s beginnings with Landmines’ self-titled LP and the early 10″ releases, to its more recent high-profile releases with bands like Make Do and Mend, Red City Radio, Flatfoot 56 and many others.
Over 400 songs in total are now available on the label’s YouTube page, with the most recent 2012 releases to come soon. Speaking about the decision to stream the entire catalog on YouTube, label owner Vinnie Fiorello pointed out the website’s massive user base as the main reason to expand.
“There are hundreds of millions of people who use YouTube every month,” Fiorello says. “It’s a place of not only finding user-driven content and blogs, but also a supreme source of finding new music. Times are always changing, and more young people are using YouTube to find new music than ever. We are excited to put up our discography up for streaming via YouTube, hopefully to have the those moments of a complete stranger to the label possibly finding one of their new favorite bands.”
Check out all the albums at
There’s a playlist page to check out as well.