The All-American Rejects gaming with fans November 24th

Music News | Nov 22nd, 2008

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See, even bands are nerds too….

The All-American Rejects have announced they will be gaming with fans on November 24th, from 6PM to 8PM (EST), as they challenge worthy opponents in Frogger and Rock Band 2. Those who want a chance to play with the band can send a friend request to Gamertag AAR GWF(make sure to include a space between AAR and GWF) and be online half an hour before (5:30pm ET/2:30 PST) the With Fame session starts.

The following morning, Tuesday, November 25th, the Rejects will perform on NBC s Today Show and the band is looking for AAR fans to come out in force. Special VIP passes will be given to hardcore AAR fans who would like to get as close to the action as possible. Get there early if you want to rock out, VIP s​ will be asked​ to arrive​ no later​ than 6:00 AM to West 48th St, New York,​ NY 10112​.​ If you would​ like to be a VIP, pleas​e inclu​de VIP​ in the subje​ct line for the email​ you send to AARTo​daySh​ow@​gmail​.​ com

The new album from The All-American Rejects, When The World Comes Down, is now available to pre-order on iTunes! The album will be available in both Standard and Deluxe versions on iTunes. By Pre-Ordering the Deluxe version, you will receive the song “Mona Lisa (When The World Comes Down)” immediately. If you pre-order any version you will receive the song “Here I Sit (demo)” and the iTunes Exclusive Bonus track “On The Floor (demo)” on release day. Additionally, the Deluxe Version will include 5 demo tracks, track by track with Tyson and Nick, and the Mona Lisa Video.

When The World Comes Down, which features the hit single “Gives You Hell”, will be available Everywhere on 12.16.08.

Pre-Order When The World Comes Down Today: to Pre Order Deluxe Version on iTunes Now! to Pre Order Standard Version on iTunes Now!