ReadJunk Forum is officially closed

Site News | Jul 1st, 2009

No Image
Sorry Folks, No Image Is Here.

For those of you that don’t know, we had a forum on the site for many, many years. With lack of activity and users, I decided to close up the forum today. With all the social networking sites out there these days, forums are a thing of the past. I removed the Forum link in the header, and added Media there instead. So now you can check out all the past trailers and music videos I posted.

I encourage all the past Forum users to continue to post comments on and to sign up for the ReadJunk Facebook group. And if you only visited the website for the forum and don’t have any desire to post on the site? Well…so long I guess.

If you’re feeling a bit nostalgic and for some reason want to read a bunch of outdated posts from 3 people, then you can access the forum here. Posting and everything is locked, but you can view the posts and even Private Message people.


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