Adolf & The Piss Artists “Hate Generator”
Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005
Record Label: TKO
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First thing that pops into my head, is this band racist? With a name Adolf and the Piss Artists you would think so right? But I think it’s just for shock value and probably has a different meaning that what you think. It probably means having to do with Adolf being a crappy artist and a lover of art. They hail from Atlanta, Georgia and have a straight up Oi! sound that’s actually pretty rockin’. They cover some songs from The Samples, The Oppressed, The Valves and they’re also 2 or 3 live tracks at the end of the Cd. If you like the Oi! music you probably already know about this band and have gotten this Cd already.
Bottom Line: Atlanta Oi! Band that play fast punk rock.
Notable Tracks: “This Is Your Law” “White Flag” “For Adolfs Only”
Overall Rating: