American Plague “God Bless the American Plague”
Album Reviews | Nov 25th, 2006

Record Label: Long Live Crime Records
Genre: Punk
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Although their name and imagery scream horror punk, American Plague incorporate a 70s guitar rock sound with Social D-style punk and a twist of Motorhead.
For a punk band, the songs have a lot going on. This is a band with a big sound, wailing, multilayered guitars, and meaty distortion. But catchiness is rare, and the vocals, for all the singer’s cockiness, are thin and forgettable.
The band is best when they’re channeling Motorhead’s songwriting (and I don’t mean their cover of Ace of Spades, which blows). While I appreciate their eclectic stylings and overproduction, their simple and straight-up rockers are the most enjoyable.
Bottom Line: Not as scary as you’d think.
Notable Tracks: Doubt, Flesh & Bone
Overall Rating: