Annuals “Be He Me”

Album Reviews | Apr 7th, 2007

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Record Label: Ace Fu Records
Genre: Indie
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I’m getting into more and more indie rock lately, and the Annuals are another band in the ever-growing pool full of indie rockers. Annuals sort of sound like Rogue Wave, but they seem to have a major prog-rock influence as well. I like the songs that aren’t slow & more synthesized like “Complete or Completing,” and “The Bull and the Goat.” The rest of the songs are too weird and acid-trip sounding. If you like bands like Rogue Wave, Arcade Fire and Sufjan Stevens, you’ll probably like this music. I liked a few songs but for me, they were easily forgettable. Perhaps you might like this band more than me but I didn’t think this band was all that special. Granted the band members are under the drinking age, they still have some time to get mature their sound and get better.

Bottom Line: Some songs were okay.
Notable Tracks: Complete, or Completing, Bleary Eyed, The Bull and the Goat
Overall Rating: