Anthems, The “Demo EP”

Album Reviews | Jun 2nd, 2007

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Record Label: S/R
Genre: Punk
Band Link: link
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Like Guitar Hero says, if you call something an anthem, you better make damn sure it is.

At first, I thought this young Orange County band wasn’t too far off. Their first track “Against the Tide” is a rabble-rousing street punk song, catchy and rebellious enough to be considered a minor anthem. It’s a bit Bouncing Souls-ish.

But then things gets muddied and they take on a sound more akin to melodic garage rock than punk. The guitars continue to be clean and bright and cuts through the sludging drums and fratboyish vox, but the songs really lose momentum after that first punky one. The third song has some “whoa-oh-oh’s,” but they’re buried under the grunge. The last song has a catchy chorus, but the choruses are far and in-between, the gaps filled with a sludgy, midtempo jam.

They have good guitars and a potential to write interesting punk songs, but they have to avoid getting lost in murky production and self-indulgence. Anthems are “I Love Rock N’ Roll,” “Rock N’ Roll All Nite,” or “For Those About To Rock.” The common theme? THE ROCK! Never forget that, Anthems. Never forget.

Bottom Line: They have potential but they lack the ROCK!
Notable Tracks: Against the Tide
Overall Rating: