Austrian Death Machine “Total Brutal”
Album Reviews | Sep 1st, 2008

Record Label: Metal Blade
Genre: Metal
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Hello California! Did you ever imagine if Arnold Schwarzenegger was in a metal band? Well now you can with Austrian Death Machine! Tim Lambesis of As I Lay Dying decided to give a tribute to Ahhnold by making him the centerpiece of this one-shot metal band. Each song was written in an hour and the music is not taken seriously. Each song title is a quote from Arnold’s many number 1 hit movies like Jingle All The Way, Terminator, Last Action Hero, Predator and many more super fantastic movies!
Austrian Death Machine has one of the funniest openers on a CD! The Ahhnold (not really him obviously) gives a hilarious introduction that had me laughing. Then I looked at the song titles and busting out in tears from laughing so hard. All I saw was Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers and lost it. Since I’m the creator of the Ultimate Arnold Soundboard on the Internet, let me tell you that this was an awesome CD to listen to! Besides the hysterical Ahhnold impressions in between songs, this music isn’t that bad! Actually this metal is pretty fucking good! Tim even said that he didn’t take this seriously and did it on his spare time. He even makes fun of metal bands that take themselves too seriously. If you’re a fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger and metal, this is a must-have CD! GET TO THE CHOPPA!
Bottom Line: Arnold Schwarzenegger metal band = Brilliant!
Notable Tracks: Get To the Choppa, Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers, I am Cybernetic Organism…,Screw You (Benny), If It Bleeds we Can Kill It
Overall Rating: