Avenged Sevenfold “Waking The Fallen”

Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005

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Record Label: Hopeless
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I never heard of this band except a few tracks from Hopeless compilations, I guess you can describe this band as rockish metal band. I haven’t heard their previous stuff so I can’t really compare the two. I like when bands scream and not slow down and sing, it sounds a lot better when screaming your fucking head out. I like the guitar riffs and breakdowns. Sometimes I feel like I’m listening to some hair metal and one minute I feel like I’m listening to some hardcore. Another problem I have is the songs are too damn long, make them shorter for ADD people like myself.

Bottom Line: Metalheads will bang their mullets all day listening to this.
Notable Tracks: “Waking the Fallen” “Reminissions”
Overall Rating: