Bad Religion “The Empire Strikes First”
Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005
Record Label: Epitaph
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After all these years, Bad Religion still manages to impress me with their songs and how great they sound. I thought The Process of Belief was one of their best albums they ever put out and I think this one is just as good. “The Empire Strikes First” sounds very polished and produced well, probably because Greg and Brett were the producers. They also COwritten the songs together. The songs are very topical and political, which I like a lot. If you think they have let up after 20 something years, you’re sadly mistaken. They still play fast “whoaing” punk and do it well. Sage Francis guest vocals on “Let Them Eat War” the way. The only thing that I think Bad Religion is over doing is the whoas and ahhs. I just think they could leave that out of their songs once and awhile. Yeah it’s their style, but they tend to do it a lot in their songs. Am I being too picky? I don’t know but that’s a very minor flaw I have with the band. This album is excellent and can’t wait to see the band perform some of these songs on the Warped Tour.
Bottom Line: Just as good as “The Process of Belief,” maybe even better! Keep the good music coming fellas!
Notable Tracks: “Sinister Rouge” “Social Suicide” “Let Them Eat War”
Overall Rating: