Bim Skala Bim “Krinkle”

Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005

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Record Label: Beatville Records
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I realized that the songs I like the most are the first tracks. So with that in mind, I liked the first track “Step Up To Me,” I know, what a surprise. I never really got into Bim that much. They do have some good songs on their previous albums but usually, the whole album doesn’t hold up. This CD is brand new and features a lot of Vinny Nobile on it, you know who he is so I won’t even say anything. I’m not sure why I didn’t get into this band, maybe because I’m not from the Boston area but I like this album. “Food for Soul,” is a nice slow paced song with nice keyboards and Vinny plays on that one too. Other tracks that I thought were up to par were “Calm Down,” and “Long Way,” which has Vinny’s trademark tbone sound on. Bim Skala Bim fans will enjoy this record.

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