Blacktop Mourning “No Regret”

Album Reviews | Aug 11th, 2007

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Record Label: Tyrannosaurus Records
Genre: MTV Rock
Band Link: link
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Apparently, Blacktop Mourning is popular with the MTV crowd…and I can see why.

Blacktop Mourning sound like every other “rock” band that is force-fed down the throats of the MTV zombies. There are some nice hooks, acoustic guitar, boring guitar solos, whiny vocals and songs that seem to go on forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever.

I could picture all of the teenyboppers rocking out to Blacktop Mourning on their Zunes in the back of mommy’s Volvo. I can envision some of their songs in Gap commercials and playing in the backgrounds of movies like Bratz. They are so safe and friendly that I’m sure that even parents will love them. Now excuse me while I go and vomit in my mouth.

Bottom Line: Bubblegum rock garbage. Even the lead singer of the Counting Crows likes them. ‘Nuff said.
Notable Tracks: The silence at the end of the disc.
Overall Rating: