Bridge & Tunnel – “East/West
Album Reviews | Apr 17th, 2009

Record Label: No Idea Records
Genre: Emo Rock
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Over the years, I’ve heard so many bands that sound like Bridge & Tunnel that I just cringe when I hear more bands like this. Bridge & Tunnel are a mixture of emo, post-punk, and rock and they just shout EVERYTHING. Most punk rock bands shout, but at least they aren’t boring when doing so. If you’re expecting something new here, better look elsewhere.
This style is usually a few different people shouting at the same time and it just sounds clunky. Against Me is a band I think of when I hear bands like this. Entertaining live but in my opinion, a very overrated band. People love these types of bands like Bridge & Tunnel, but not me. Besides, the music feels uninspiring and very boring. I would seriously hate seeing Bridge & tunnel live. They seem like they would be an opener for a band I’d want to see, except they would still be playing and wouldn’t appear to be getting off the stage anytime soon. That’s how I felt listening to their 2008 album “East/West.” If this sounds like something you’d like, check out their MySpace.
Bottom Line: Boring with a capital B!
Notable Tracks: The end of the CD
Overall Rating: