Chris Murray “Raw”
Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005
Record Label: Asian Man Records<
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His third solo album and recorded on a fucking walkman??!!! What’s up with that? I guess he really wanted to go Raw. We know you want to keep it old school but man, if skitzo homeless guys can record in a studio, I think you can too. Is your next release going to be recorded underwater? Anyway, Neville Staples (Specials), Go Jimmy Go, Alex Desert and Deston Berry from Hepcat guest appear on this Cd. I think I would like this a lot more if this was recorded properly. Chris shows that he’s a great lyricist, singer, and guitarist but get some money and put some better effort in recording next time.
Bottom Line: Recorded on a walkman..yeah figure it out.
Notable Tracks: “Make The Best”
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