Death Before Dishonor “Count Me In”

Album Reviews | Jul 7th, 2007

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Record Label: Bridge Nine
Genre: Hardcore
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DBD plays Boston-style aggro hardcore, and I’ve always found them to be derivative. Their new one, Count Me In, shows them moving in a slightly more old school direction with groove-laden breakdowns and good use of melody. The vocals also sound less brutal. Which, unless you’re a Bostonian fratboy with something to prove, is a good thing.

The lyrics are still the usual mindless aggro slogans – song titles include “Nowhere to Turn,” “Break Through It All,” “Nothing But Agony,” and “Curl Up and Die,” which all sound like they could be subpar hardcore bands themselves, or at least lame tattoos.

But the music goes down easy with melodic guitars, short durations, and digestible vox. After a couple of listens, I might actually really dig this. Now all I need is a chip on my shoulder.

Bottom Line: Cliched, but sounds good!
Notable Tracks: Behind Your Eyes, Take Me Away
Overall Rating: