Destroyer Destroyer “Littered With Arrows”
Album Reviews | Aug 2nd, 2007
Record Label: Goodfellow Records
Genre: Grindcore
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Grindcore can be a difficult genre to review. It’s like reviewing how well someone performs an appendectomy using a jackhammer. But there are certain benchmarks I look for to help me decide if a band is good. Does their music or musicianship contain a distinct idea, internal logic, or groove that separates it out from unsystematic noise? Is their anger/catharsis genuine and contagious instead of suicide-inducing irritating? And… do they rock?
Destroyer Destroyer answers yes to all those questions. Not that they answer questions so much as bash your face in with a brick. But if you can get past the terrifying screams and surface layer of noise, you can discover some really interesting, intricate, almost jazzy/math rocky melodies and rhythms. Their 90-second tunes are little spazzy puzzles of sonic assault and speed-prog whiplash.
I can’t in good faith recommend Destroyer Destroyer (or grindcore in general) to you, Mr. General Audience. But for those of you who enjoy your Melt Banana and The Locust, or if you live in a schizophrenic place where your mind replays dark revenge fantasies, you will enjoy Destroyer Destroyer.
Bottom Line: Awesome grind, especially if you’ve thrown out your meds.
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