Drive By “I Hate Every Day Without You Kid”
Album Reviews | Apr 3rd, 2007
Record Label: Riot Squad
Genre: Emo
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This is pathetically bad. It makes me wonder why anyone would want to be in a band like this. I mean, did one guy say to another, “Hey, let’s write the lamest, most cliched emo and try to bond emotionally with 13 year olds, so that we can all sound like one giant wimp!”
And then the other guys would’ve had to agree that this was a good idea. And then they mixed up their craptastic emo with lamest aspects of edgy 90s pop rock, like the bland garbage that would play in the background of Melrose Place when the dude was about to kiss the girl but she’d be like “No, I’m not ready…” and run off sobbing…
In other words, these guys make Yellowcard sound like Slayer.
Bottom Line: Have emo bands no sense of shame?
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