Early November “Room’s Too Cold”
Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005

Record Label: Drive-Thru Records
Genre: Emo
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I don’t really like this type of genre but I’ll try to review this in a nonbiased way. The band starts off with a nice acoustic track featuring some string instruments in the background. The 2nd track “Something That Produces Result” sounds very radio friendly and it’s a more rockier tune. The singer has a good voice and I think the violin and other string instruments add to their songs, and adds some depth to their music. One great marketing tool that I’ve been noticing with bands and record labels is selling a bonus CD or DVD with their releases and Early November do this as well. I think it’s a strategy against file sharing and to increase record sales in the first week of release. I think it’s a cool idea. I didn’t get a chance to check out the DVD but if you like TEN, then that’s good incentive to go out and buy this album.
Bottom Line: Wussy rock that people will love
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