Eight Days Gone “Silence To the Naysayers”
Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005
Record Label: Ragin Grace/ Titan
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I can picture this band on all the alternative radio stations. They probably are, I have no fucking clue because I don’t listen to those stations. They have a polished hard rock sound if you are wondering what style this band is. Eight Days Gone sounds great as a band, it’s just something I don’t listen to..ever. The band has some catchy choruses, and the singer has a great voice, but that whole I don’t listen to this music thing keeps popping up. I can’t say I’d recommend this one but if you like this type of music, download a song or two and then buy the album. Or do what I do, and just download the whole album haha.
Bottom Line: Eh too trendy for me.
Notable Tracks: nope
Overall Rating: