Fickle “The Natural Order Of Things”

Album Reviews | Jul 13th, 2007

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Record Label: Orchard Records
Genre: Rock
Band Link: link
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The intro song is 90 seconds of birds, chimes, and acoustic guitar, leading me to optimistically believe that Fickle play in a style of Hemispheres or A Farewell to Kings-era Rush. I was even waiting for that patented Rush Kick(tm)*.

Unfortunately, the band plays lame commercial rock. Good musicianship saves them from being a bland Creed clone, but not by much. And they are beyond cheesy. I think the ballady “541 Minutes” actually made my penis permanently shrink an inch.

*The patented Rush Kick is when a long period of quiet music stops suddenly, there’s like two or three seconds of silence, and then BAM! AN AWESOME AURAL ATTACK OF RAWWWWK! God, I love Rush.

Bottom Line: Polished radio rock for people with no taste.
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