Fiction Plane ” Everything Will Never Be Ok”

Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005

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Record Label: Drive Thru Recor
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The first thing the came to mind when I heard this band was a softer poppy version of the Police. I guess the style of the band and the singer’s voice remind me of them. Oh wait, I’m retarded..I just looked these guys up and the singer is Sting’s son. hahahaha!!!! Hey, shows how good I am with picking out bands that sound like each other. I thought I wasn’t going to like this Cd but it’s actually not bad at all. Give it a listen and find out for yourself if you like this.

Bottom Line: Sting’s son rocks out with a band similar to the Police.
Notable Tracks: “Everything Will Never Be Ok” “Hate” “I Wish I Would die”
Overall Rating: