GG Allin And Antiseen “Murder Junkies”

Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005

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Record Label: TKO Records
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Oh boy, another Antiseen Cd. Though I don’t have to listen to their crappy singer this time, and listening to brutal GG Allin instead. I’ve actually never really listen to GG Allin before, but I don’t think I like him. TKO remastered this “classic” Cd, and repackaged this CD with new artwork and some photos of GG allin. Plus there is 5 bonus tracks from some EPs and 7 inches. Not my thing but I’m sure others will enjoy this, for some reason. Worth Buying: If you’re one of the two people out there that like Antiseen, then get this. If you like GG Allin you’ll prob. want to pick this up. Rating: Reviewer:

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