Gods And Generals “Gods And Generals”

Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005

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Record Label: Sony Classical
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The prequel score to Gettysburg and this score passes all expectations I had. Gettysburg’s score was excellent, but it was a little too synthesized and didn’t fit the film well. Or the parts I’ve seen of Gettysburg; that movie is too damn long to sit through haha. This time around, Randy Edelman takes the backstage (since he composed Gettysburg) and only composes a few tracks where as John Frizzell takes the limelight and composes a wonderful piece of music. The tracks have everything: a beautiful melody, Celtic style themes, rising choral songs, tracks from musicians like Bob Dylan, Mary Fahl and great violinist Mark O Connor. This score is really different to Gettysburg, in that it probably will fit the film more than the Gettysburg score. I really like the choirs in the songs, and I love Mark O Connor’s violin style. Bob Dylan has a track at the end of the Cd, and I can’t stand Bob Dylan so “The Soldier’s Return” is the last track on the Cd in my mind. I haven’t heard much from John Frizzell but I might have to get his other stuff because this score is excellent!

Bottom Line: Beautifully composed score to the prequel to Gettysburg.
Notable Tracks: “Gods And Generals” “These Brave Irishmen” “To The Stone Wall” “No Photographs”
Overall Rating: