Great Big Sea “Something Beautiful”
Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005

Record Label: Zoe
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I just got into this band when I saw their performance on the cable station TRIO and I had to get their new album. I did have one of their live albums but I haven’t really listened to it until now. This is their 7th release and it sounds awesome. Their sound is so catchy and many people into folk/Celtic music will dig Great Big Sea if they haven’t listen to them already. I love the flute/ penny whistle, and I believe Bob Hallett plays the accordion and other instruments as well. I wish I was that talented to play so many instruments. I also really like Alan Coyle’s voice. It’s very unique and distinctive. If you want to check out some excellent Celtic rock, then go out and buy Great Big Sea’s “Something Beautiful.”
Bottom Line: Incredible Celtic/ Folk rock band from Newfoundland
Notable Tracks: “When I Am King” “Something Beautiful” “Sally Ann” “Lucky Me”
Overall Rating: