Green Day “Warning”

Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005

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Record Label: Some Mainstream Label
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What happened? Does anybody remember the days when Greed Day was good? It is harder and harder for me to remember those days because as I get older, those days are further and further away. Three albums now, these guys have just fizzled out and succumbed to being formulaic. “Deadbeat Holiday” sounds exactly like another song which sounds like another song which sounds like so many other songs that it would take forever to write their names. The only decent song is “Castaway” and only because it reminds me vaguely of the days when Green Day had an edge. Aside from that, “Misery” isn’t that bad. At least there is some originality there. It really isn’t that hard to write the same song over and over. The vocal lines sound so similar and blend so horribly that I want to break the CD. Anyone that has enjoyed some Green Day before that horrendous day when Dookie was released across the airwaves will be overcome with such grief that you may be inclined to drive off the road. Please do not operate heavy machinery when first listening to this or you may kill us all. Not only should you NOT buy this CD, but if you want, I will pay you to take my copy off my hands.

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