Hepcat “Push N Shove”

Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005

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Record Label: Hellcat Records
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I really like “Right On Time,” but I’m not sure if this album is up to par. I believe this album isn’t up to par because Alex Dessert isn’t in the band anymore since he’s on the TV show Becker. He does play a small part on this CD as a backup singer. I think the guy has a great motown style singing voice. I think the best song on here is the cover of Brenton Wood’s “Gimme Little Sign.” I love the original and I definitely like Hepcat’s version of it. Some songs get too jazzy and boring for me. The singer of Dancehall Crashers sings on “Prison of Love” and I didn’t like that too much, it just wasn’t Hepcat. I did like the songs when they actually sing on and are up tempo. Tracks like “Daydreamin,” “The Region,” “You and I,” and “Live On.” I’m going to have to listen to this a couple of times to get used to it but the vocal songs are great ska/ rocksteady songs. It’s worth a listen or two.

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