Hotel Alexis “Goliath, I’m On Your Side”
Album Reviews | Dec 2nd, 2006

Record Label: Broken Sparrow
Genre: Songwriter/Americana
Band Link: link
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I spend most of my life avoiding hippyish singer/songwriter rock with alt-country twang. Alas, today it all caught up with me. And god help my soul, I liked it.
In terms of lo-fi beauty and superb songwriting, The Hotel Alexis are like the Shins stranded on a dusty, desert highway and fronted by Sea Change-era Beck. They play these soft, bittersweet slices of Americana that can either warm or break your heart.
There are misses; there’s quite a lot of boring filler and a 19-minute droning, indulgent piece smack in the middle of the album. But as far as this genre goes, this is a strong submission.
Bottom Line: Lofi indie meets alt-country.
Notable Tracks: San Diego Backslide, Owl, The Range
Overall Rating: