Howard Shore “The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers”
Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005
Record Label: Reprise Records
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The highly anticipated sequel score Oscar Winner Howard Shore and it’s just as good as the Fellowship score. The only thing I was disappointed about was the lack of the Black Rider Theme or something menacing like that but I guess we’ll have to wait for the ROTK score for those themes to turn up again. Well there was another complaint and that is “Gollum’s Song,” the last track that sounds creepy and Bjork like. It just doesn’t fit the movie. Maybe a Bond film though. Though it is beginning to grow on me. Couple of more listens I might like it. But let’s talk about the positives shall we. The opening track literally gave me goosebumps, imagine hearing that in the theater and seeing what’s on the screen. “Rider’s of Rohan” theme plays throughout the CD since it’s mostly about Rohan this film. The theme sounds like Conan the Barbarian meets Xena. It’s got that Viking, Warrior sound. There’s more featured singers on the Two Towers than Fellowship, mostly for the LothLorien/ Arwen/ Riverndell songs. I would have liked to see Enya sing on the CD again but oh well. I liked all the featured singers except that last song about Gollum. The track “Treebeard” is a slow, not too hasty song that’s very fitting. The songs for the Helm Deep battle are great, but I would have used more choral in the songs though. “the Hornburg” track is excellent, and it definitely has that feeling of desperation to it. My favorite track on this CD though has to go to “Urak Hai.” It’s the part when Arargorn, Legolas and Gimli are tracking the hobbits and it’s just a blend of all the themes on this Cd. It’s done quite nice. Overall, I’m listening to this score a lot but I think the Fellowship of the Ring score is a little bit better. I’ll have to see the movie and then see how the score is after I saw the Two Towers.
Bottom Line: Just as good as the Fellowship score, I definitely recommend this.
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