Human And His STDs, A “Punk Rock Ballads for the Ugly and Unloved”

Album Reviews | Dec 14th, 2006

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Record Label: Back Door Records
Genre: Punk
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Don’t get me wrong, I miss the punk, but this is just awful. Lyrically, it’s terribly cliched – you know, beer good, Hitler bad. But I can live with that – after all, every subgenre has its cliches. But the music here is just so inept that it’s nearly unlistenable.

The first thing that hits you is the vocals, a gargling mess of phlegm, snot, and blood. Then it gets worse – he actually SINGS. The tempo is almost entirely sludgily slow with stretched out, sung chorus parts, which makes you really appreciate every little chunk of vomit in the singer’s voice.

The production sounds like a single tape recorder in the center of a basement, so you’ve got the vocals, bass and snare, and everything else is washed out in a murky bog of tone deafness. The slow tempo doesn’t help – it feels like you’re chugging along in a rusted car with three flat tires. Filled with vomit.

Bottom Line: Snotty, inept punk that is slow-paced for some reason.
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