James Newton Howard “Unbreakable”
Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005
Record Label: Hollywood Records
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James Newton Howard has been busy this year with composing some good scores for Dinosaur and this one. The first track, “Visions” is a great blend of traditional classical music and a really cool instrumental hiphop beat. That classical/hiphop part of the score is the main theme and I think it’s great. The music really went along with the movie. Especially the part where Bruce Willis’s character discovers his gift in the train station thing or whatever that place was. Many people either hated this film or thought it was great. In my opinion, I would listen to this musical score just for the main theme. There are a lot of parts in the movie and the score that are dark and slow paced. But the score is supposed to be the same as the movie or the movie wouldn’t work. Nonetheless, there are some really nice classical songs on here that you should look into. For Instance, the theme “Visions,” “Weight lighting,” and “Unbreakable.” Plus the “End Title,” those are always good because they combine all the themes into one song. If you like classical music or movie scores like me, then why buy this or download it (like I did. hehe)
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