Jello Biafra “If Evolution is Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Evolve”
Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005
Record Label: Alternatice Tentacles
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Another excellent spoken word album from the great Jello Biafra. I’ve heard most of his spoken word albums and most of the tracks are good and very informative as well. Disc one has tracks about Mumia AbuJamal, Clinton, the Space Program and other stuff. Those tracks were short but the whole cd came to be about 70 minutes like the other 2 discs that talked about censorship. Jello talks more about other types of censorship besides the “Tipper Gores in the World,” like news reports, and other media censorship. I was finally glad to hear new stuff from Jello because his other spoken words were so out to date, well sort of…I like this album and I suggest getting it if you like Jello’s other spoken word albums. Plus I would get it, just because of Winston Smith’s awesome art work.
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