Kelt “Tomorrow Is Another Today”
Album Reviews | Jul 9th, 2007

Record Label: Popboomerang
Genre: Pop
Band Link: link
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Violins. Cellos. Mellophone. Piano. Freakin’ glockenspiel.
This shouldn’t be good. Goddamnit, IT SHOULDN’T BE GOOD!! But Kelt somehow makes it work.
The music is slow, but thoughtfully deliberate. This album took years to make, but the result is a stunning success – every note sounds like it belongs. It’s got a Phil Specter-produced Beatles feel: sweet, mellow pop that’s made lushly beautiful.
The songs are mellow and introspective, and with a different singer they’d be downright depressing and maudlin. But the power of the music comes from Kelt Twidale’s airy and hopeful voice, making the sadsack lyrics about unrequited love and losing one’s way oddly uplifting.
Beatles are definitely an influence here and I wouldn’t be surprised if Kelt someday records the best cover of “Across the Universe.” But their Australian background is hidden in there with a hint of Outback country flavor, shuffling percussion, and dusty dingo-missin’ loneliness.
Bottom Line: Mellow, pretty.
Notable Tracks: Wake Myself Up, Incomplete, Unrequited, Life Is Not A Race
Overall Rating: