Kiff “You Can’t Keep It Down”
Album Reviews | Jun 16th, 2007
Record Label: PeaceLabs Music
Genre: Pop
Band Link: link
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Kiff is a cool name for a band, but unfortunately, Kiff is a dude. A dude who sings like Justin Timberlake, dripping with gag-enducing fake romanticism and neutered sexiness.
There’s lots of songs about “ooo baby I want you girl” and the healing power of love. Sexy love. On the beach, baby. You know it girl. We will fly high, to the sky. We’ll touch the sun, your body close to mine, under the sheets, ooo baby, yeah. Your body takes away my pain, your body talks to mine, ooo yeah girl. You angel you.
I’m paraphrasing, but not by much. It makes you wonder if this guy’s ever been in a real relationship.
Bottom Line: I think the title refers to my bile.
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