Melmac “11:34, plus 2 new songs”
Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005

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Ska punkers from Staten Island that have a sound similar sound to Less Than Jake, and Jeffries Fan Club. The band plays together and that is an important factor which some of these local ska band that I’ve come across. Though I haven’t seen this band live yet though. In the press release, they say that these songs are not finished, and the band is bigger now. Some songs have decent quality and others don’t. But overall, the sound quality is pretty good but you can tell that this CD is from a local band. The 2 new songs that they gave me to listen actually are a vast improvement. The quality is better, and the band seems to have matured. The song “P.R.A” is a great example of that. Many ska kids out there will dig this band.
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