Michaelane “Straight From The Ghetto”
Album Reviews | May 15th, 2007
Record Label: Fuckhouse Records
Genre: Pop Punk
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If you like nasally, whiny pop punk, then you’ll probably want to grab your mom and head down to the mall right away.
Michaelane come straight from the Bowling For Soup/Allister mold of hook laden, almost emo rock music that should not be labeled punk by any means. After the first few songs, everything started sounding the same and I found myself getting a headache. It felt like I was listening to Sugarcult’s first album again.
To give Michaelane a little bit of credit, I found it amusing that their songs were named after big hit songs like “Time After Time”, “We’re Not Gonna Make It” and “Final Countdown”. They also get one full star for recording a cover of the Full House theme song. Uncle Jesse would be proud. He always did have bad taste in music though.
Bottom Line: If you’ve ever listened to Allister then you’ve heard this record before.
Notable Tracks: Rock Out Chicago, Last Regret
Overall Rating: