Morrissey- “You Are The Quarry”

Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005

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Record Label: Sanctuary Records
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I only got into The Smiths and Morrissey last Fall, but I’ve become a huge fan of The Smiths and Morrissey since then. I think I can listen to Morrissey and The Smiths every day and not get sick of the music. In fact, I do that all the time haha. This is Morrissey’s new album in over 7 years and the man is back ladies and gents. The first track “America is Not The World” pretty much says it all right there. The next 2 tracks are some of my favorites on the album, the new single “Irish Blood, English Heart” and ” I have forgiven jesus.” Lots of political songs, and bittersweet tunes that Morrissey fans will absolutely love. His voice sounds amazing and the man with cool hair still has it. I say that because my hair is like his and goes way out in the front. I think my favorite song on the whole album is “First Of the Gang To Die.” It’s the most upbeat track on the album and really hooks you in, tapping your feet to the song. Overall, I can’t stop listening to this album and hope Morrissey makes more records in the future. Hopefully not every 7 years that’s for sure.

Bottom Line: Excellent comeback with awesome tunes from the ex-Smiths singer.
Notable Tracks: “Irish Blood, English Heart” “I have forgiven Jesus” ” First of the gang to die”
Overall Rating: