Mu330 “Ultra Panic”
Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005

Record Label: Asian Man Records
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The 7th full length release from these crazy Midwesterners that are still rockin out with the ska music. They got some help from Chaz Boy and John Paul Camp III from the Blue Meanies. I believe they are still calling themselves a ska band which is good. Their songs still have that energetic feel to them and are very skankable. Is that a word, I don’t know. Who cares I made it up then. Any Mu330 fan will really like this album because it sounds like their others, but has a sense of maturity. Their sound anyway, they’re still goofy. I like the added sound of keys to their music. The horns always sound great and Dan always delivers as the singer. Continue to support your ska bands. Ska is like Jedi, only a few left.
Bottom Line: hell yeah
Notable Tracks: “Tell Another One,” “Serious,” “My Gun Is Broken”
Overall Rating: