Neva Geoffrey “The Days Are Rolling”
Album Reviews | Jun 9th, 2007

Sorry Folks, No Image Is Here.
Record Label: Alias
Genre: Singer/Songwriter
Band Link: link
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Neva Geoffrey has an ethereal voice that’s both silky and wispy, and a little antique-y, if that makes sense. It’s pretty stuff, but the music – simplistic piano with moments of standard pop/rock backing – is dull and repetitive.
I guess this is the kind of thing you have to take some time and get lost in, but I’m too busy to allow myself to be mesmerized. Maybe if I were a retired older woman with a porch chair and a dozen cats I’d find this touching, but I’m still young and full of piss and vinegar and I need to rawwk.
Bottom Line: Like going to a museum – pretty art but super boring.
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