Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds “Nocturama”
Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005
Record Label: Anti
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I never heard Nick Cave before but I know he’s done some work with Shane Macgowan of the Pogues though. I’ve tried several times to listen to this but this just isn’t my kind of music. I feel like I’m listening to Bob Seger or something. With that saying, Cave’s piano work is great, and his vocals are distinctive. I feel crying when listening to this. It’s depressing to listen to. I guess it depends what mood you’re in. I can see myself listening to this in the later hours of the night…sitting on the computer…working on some artwork. I like his faster songs a lot better though. This isn’t for everybody and I’m not so sure if it’s for me, but I’m trying to expand my horizons and giving it a chance.
Bottom Line: Not my style of music, but I can appreciate talent when I hear it.
Notable Tracks: “He Wants you” “Bring It On” “Rock On Gibraltar”
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