No Turning Back “Holding On”
Album Reviews | Jan 28th, 2007

Record Label: Bridge Nine Records
Genre: Hardcore
Band Link: link
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I haven’t heard this type of hardcore in awhile. I hate to say it but it sounds like classic 90’s hardcore. I hated to say that because I can’t believe how much the so-called hardcore scene has changed (for the worse), and I also can’t believe how long along the 90’s were now. But anyway, No Turning Back have that Sick Of It All/Madball HC sound and I love it! But the only difference is they are Dutch, not Americans. Thankfully this doesn’t sound like all that post-hardcore/metalcore crap that saturates the scene now.
Each song on the album is fast, loud, and tough. I can just picture the whole club beating the shit out of each other, seeing No Turning Back play these songs. That’s the hardcore I miss and love, maybe I have to move to Holland to experience it again? I know those older HC bands still exist in America, but there’s just an overabundance of crappy post-hardcore bands that the labels like to promote. This album is great and if you are craving some hardcore from the past; look no further than with No Turning Back!
Bottom Line: Fans of classic NYHC will love this band!
Notable Tracks: The World Is Mine, Wicked Ways, Sick and Tired
Overall Rating: