Outtareach “Alone EP”

Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005

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Record Label: Outtareach.com
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I don’t even know how I got this CD, but whatever, it’s decent…So I don’t mind. Outtareach are from California and definitely have that Cali punk sound like Pennywise, and other Fat Wreck and Epitaph bands. The band plays together and has a singer, that can actually sing! Wanna ya know? The songs are fast, which I like. Another positive to this Cd is I actually listened to all of it without turning it off or skipping songs. That’s rare for me. The problems with EPs is that you can’t tell if the band can pull of a full length CD but this band sounds like they have potential.

Bottom Line: Cali punk fans might want to buy this
Notable Tracks: “Black Widow” “Golden Rule” “Beauty”
Overall Rating: