Public Serpents “The Feeding Of The Fortune 5000”

Album Reviews | Jun 21st, 2008

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Record Label: Tent City Records
Genre: Gutter Punk
Band Link: link
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Crusty gutter punk is typically a limiting subgenre with sloppy, poorly recorded punk fronted by a guy hacking up a hamster. Public Serpents mixes shit up by adding ska elements, which is nothing new to Choking Victim/Leftover Crack fans, but also dancehall vocal inflections (which is actually kind of lame) and moogs (which is awesome). In any case, they’re adding some dimensions to gutter punk, which is pretty cool. Gutter punk purists might not like it, but then again gutter punk purists are lame morons who can go home to their parents’ house in the suburbs whenever the squatting and dumpster diving adventure doesn’t pan out.

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