Rivethead – “Doomsday For Optimism”

Album Reviews | Sep 3rd, 2012

Record Label: Cd Baby
Genre: Industrial Metal
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I didn’t know I was reviewing Nine Inch Nails. Even if this was Nine Inch Nails, I still wouldn’t like this. Rivethead is a band I just can’t take seriously.

The closest thing this band sounds like that I remotely like is Rob Zombie. That’s about it. “Vampire” sounds like a bunch of pigs were let loose in the studio. “Oink Oink WEEEE Oink.” Pigcore? If dressing up in 30-inch black leather boots, trench coat, loads of black & white makeup, and going to a club that likes to torture people, this is your thing!

Bottom Line: Great for S&M clubs
Notable Tracks: Nothing
Overall Rating:


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