Secondhand Lions “Secondhand Lions”
Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005
Record Label: New Line RecordsGenre:
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For the people who don’t know, Patrick Doyle has done some great film scores over the years like Henry V, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Needful Things, and Sense And Sensibility. I haven’t seen this movie yet, and probably won’t til it’s on TV. Haley Joel Osmont seems so cringy to watch from the trailers because he’s finally reaching puberty. he’s at the awkward stage when his voice crackles. ANYWAY, The score starts off with a nice fanfare titled “Main Titles.” As the score goes along, the cues start to pick up and more themes develop. The tracks sound very action like and swashbucklerish which is strange if you haven’t seen the movie because I wasn’t expecting those type of tracks from this movie. There is an African motif throughout the score since I think that’s where the movie takes place? There’s 26 tracks and most of them are short. The longest track is 3 minutes and 43 seconds. It’s still worth checking out though.
Bottom Line: Doyle Fans should add this one to their collection.
Notable Tracks: “Main Titles” “Sheik Swordfight” “Be My Uncle” “Walter Comes Home”
Overall Rating: