Sigur Ros “?”

Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005

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Record Label: MCA Records
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I don’t know what to make of this band. The first track sounds good until the guy starts to sing. The beginning stuff should be used for film scores. The instrumentals songs contain piano beats, weird electronic noises and slow guitar strokes. It seems every song sounds the same, I think it might be because the singer is saying the same thing over and over again. Who knows what the hell he is saying. The songs start off instrumental, three minutes in, there is the singing. I think this group is popular..for some reason, I’ve seen a lot of their stuff around. Another another thing is there no tracklisting, no title of the band on the cd cover, no liner notes..just images. This isn’t my thing.

Bottom Line: Weird music
Notable Tracks: “Track 3”
Overall Rating: